Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Windows Vista: Advantages and Disadvantages

Windows Vista is a next generation operating system by Microsoft. It can be downloaded at Advantages and Disadvantages are listed below. Please comment based on your experience with Windows Vista.

  • higher degree of security-safer surfing of web
  • parents can block certain websites for their kids web safety
  • improved Windows Explorer search-more filtering in your search
  • manage photos using built-in photo gallery
  • latest multimedia enhances video and audio of ones favorite videos or music


  • compatibility issues when upgrade to vista from older operating system
  • requires alot of resources in order to function-need a powerful machine to run it
  • very expensivc
  • prone to security issues
  • in some cases the new appearance is harder for some to use such as smaller buttons


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Please add to advantages and disadvantages of this technology. Also, please share your experience with the